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What is Adult ADHD?


If you are wondering whether you or a loved one are experiencing signs of ADHD, please don't hesitate to take this online test to learn more information, including helpful next steps.

Signs of Adult ADHD

How is Adult ADHD Treated?

Therapy involves a multidisciplinary approach (psychiatry, neurology, psychology) and the involvement of friends and family members who can provide social support to those with ADHD. With the addition of these treatment methods, people can live a healthy and productive lifestyle while managing their symptoms.

Most experts agree that the best approach to treat adult ADHD is a combination of pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy focused on addressing signs and symptoms discussed in the quiz above.

Medication for ADHD Symptoms

Since the disorder is often accompanied by depression or anxiety, psychiatrists can prescribe medication to help patients cope with symptoms and achieve mental balance.

However, a therapeutic approach based solely on medication is not sufficient for adults with the disorder, as medication only diminishes the symptoms, but does not fundamentally change how the brain works. Due to this, most professionals will recommend a combination treatment method to treat the disorder.

Psychotherapy for ADHD Symptoms

Psychotherapy is an extremely useful tool in the treatment of most disorders. Many clinicians believe cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can have a significantly positive effect on adults who have the disorder in terms of gaining valuable organizational and time management skills.

With the help of a counselor or therapist, adults with ADHD can find ways to avoid distractions, control their impulsive decisions associated with it, and cultivate peace of mind through meditation and relaxation techniques.

Furthermore, if the person is dealing with co-occurring conditions (e.g. bipolar disorder, OCD, anxiety, depression, along with ADHD) then psychotherapy becomes an absolute necessity.

Where to Read More Online about ADHD


If you or a loved one resonate with the signs and symptoms of ADHD mentioned in this article, don't hesitate to take this online quiz today and find out where to get help.

Reviews for this test

Overall Rating

(12 reviews)


It was good I going to look for more signs of ADHD.Thanks for this.

WE·Indianapolis, United States·August 2024


straight forward and no pressure

RA·Manchester, United Kingdom·June 2024


it was not bad, I was able to answer the questions directly and without judgment on myself

BO·Chingford, United Kingdom·April 2024


I rate it good I still did not go to the doctor yet but when I go to doctor and check out if I do have adhd if I had I would rate the app perfectly excellent but for now idk

QV·Riyadh, Saudi Arabia·March 2024


I took this test because sometimes I procrastinate and I have come to the realization that it’s a symptom of depression or anxiety or something else that I have yet to identify.

US·Roseville, United States·March 2024


It was absolutely amazing and I was so happy to see the results, it makes sense to me now!!

PL·Anderson, United States·July 2020


I am medically diagnosed, and treated for adult ADHD. This test felt very accurate because of that. The questions are very good!

RF·Flushing, United States·May 2020


Very interesting. We were trying to figure out if my son had a DHD so this was interesting and helpful to us. Thank you

UJ·Rancho Palos Verdes, United States·May 2020


i took this knowing i have adhd and i got 6/6 for it so i say it works

GK·Cypress, United States·May 2020


Painless and easy to understand

OT·Springfield, United States·April 2020


I'll be honest, I was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, I just wanted to see how accurate these tests were and it actually worked really well. I took some of the other tests too and they all seem accurate as well, so I was decently surprised. This was fun and helpful.

SK·Whitehall, United States·January 2020


I found this test incredibly useful and have shown results to my therapist